Sunday, December 4, 2011

Stop the Bullying ...

This is heartbreaking and the sad thing is, bullying happens at ALL ages, not just to kids. Kids and adults get bullied all the time for how they look, how they dress, how rich and how poor they are, but most of the time it's just because people are mean. When it comes to bullying, no one is really exempt from being hurt, not one of us. Adults can defend themselves, unlike kids, but regardless of age, it hurts. Stop the hate, stop the negativity, and stop doing what you can to purposely hurt other people and damage their self-esteem. Stop the gossip, stop talking in your posts and timelines about others, just stop and think before you speak or before you type. I won't put up with it in my circles and luckily, I don't think I have many in my circles that would sink to these depths or at least I hope I don't. Think first and imagine if this was your kid or even you.

Lovin' Lyrics Music Promotions strongly supports the Anti-Bullying campaign and Cowboy Troy as it's ambassador. We do not condone bullying, trash talking, bashing or any other negative and hurtful comments on our site, our Twitter timelines or our Facebook pages. If we catch it or are advised of it, it will be dealt with accordingly by deleting the person from our social media pages, blocking and reporting them to the proper channels.

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