Sunday, January 22, 2012

EVENT (West Scottshill, TN): February 5, 2012 - 11:00am "Big Vinny Mack" Hickerson Speaking Engagement

If you're wondering where you can catch "Bigg Vinny Mack" Hickerson of Trailer Choir speaking about his weight loss journey as a finalist on "The Biggest Loser" and would like to be on hand to hear his inspirational message, here's the info for his next appearance. If you are planning on attending, please go to his Facebook page and leave your name and age in a comment so he can have an accurate headcount.

FEBRUARY 5, 2012 - Church Service Begins at 11:00am
CORNER STONE CHURCH 9317 HWY 114 - West Scottshill, TN 38374

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