Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Join the Scotty McCreery "VOTE FOR SCOTTY" ACM Video Chain!

If you have a Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Niece, Nephew, Son, Daughter or Cousin that are big SCOTTY McCREERY fans, then here’s is a way to help.

They can be an integral part of Scotty’s official VOTE SCOTTY FOR ACM NEW ARTIST OF THE YEAR Video!!! Fan videos will be accepted now through noon on Friday.

A “Vote Scotty” Video Chain where fans encourage others to VOTE SCOTTY AT VOTEACM.com is being created. Here is a site that gives instructions on what to do to be a part of the edit:

Simple video instructions are:

1. Take a ball (any ball or throwing devise!!! Football, basketball, beach ball, volleyball, soccer ball, or even a Frisbee) and write LARGE AND CLEARLY on the ball - VOTE SCOTTY AT VOTEACM.com

2. Get 1 friend to stand off camera on your right side while you stand/sit straight in front of the camera and another friend to stand off camera to your left.

3. With the camera on, have your friend FROM YOUR RIGHT throw you the ball.

4. Catch the ball and show the VOTE SCOTTY sign on the ball clearly to camera.

5. Then throw the ball to your friend ON YOUR LEFT (or just throw it off screen).

6. Upload your video to your own YouTube channel using the video title: Vote Scotty McCreery ACM Video Submission

Your video will be accessible from your channel to be added to the fan chain edit and official Scotty McCreery vote video and post on Scotty's YouTube channel, his Facebook page and on his Twitter account for all to see!!

Make your voice count!

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