Blake Shelton, at a local free show in Overland Park, Kansas yet he had no idea just how exciting and memorable this concert would turn out to be. You see, Patrick is disabled and lives his life from a wheelchair which made it virtually impossible for him to see Blake due to the hundreds of fans that were standing directly in front of him.

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According to the news story, Patrick was upset and crying because couldn't see Blake, so his mother and sister tried lifting him, however it was too hot and Patrick was just a little too heavy for them in the hot summer sun. Two male fans noticed what was going on and quickly jumped in to the rescue, lifting Patrick to watch nearly 30 min of the concert, despite the heat. Patrick was in heaven, but little did he know that it was about to get even better than this!
According to the news story, Patrick was upset and crying because couldn't see Blake, so his mother and sister tried lifting him, however it was too hot and Patrick was just a little too heavy for them in the hot summer sun. Two male fans noticed what was going on and quickly jumped in to the rescue, lifting Patrick to watch nearly 30 min of the concert, despite the heat. Patrick was in heaven, but little did he know that it was about to get even better than this!
Somehow, Blake heard about the situation and in true Blake Shelton fashion, he made sure that Patrick was able to come backstage and meet him in person and spend time with him. Patrick's mom, Cheryl, says she hopes the media attention about the two good Samaritans and their unselfish act allows the men to see how appreciative she and her family are for making Patrick's dream come true. "I can't thank them enough for what that meant for my family, and especially for Patrick, for what it meant for him to be able to see that," she notes. "It brought tears to my daughter and myself."

Here is the actual news video story of the event. Things like this and the people such as these two unknown angels are why country music stands out as a genre. Their fans and artists are unselfish, do things from the heart and help one another when needed.
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