Wednesday, February 25, 2015


SINGLE REVIEW: "I Remember You"
ARTIST: Trisha Yearwood
REVIEWER: Maria Talamo 
Follow Maria on Twitter at @Maria_Talamos

Purchase "Prizefighter: Hit After Hit" which includes "I Remember You" on Ghosttunes

With the opening lines "I can picture you, like a photograph/ I can see your smile/ I can hear your laugh/ no I don't have to look back/ I remember you" there is no doubt that Trisha Yearwood's new single "I Remember You" is going to be an emotional song about remembering someone who has passed away. This song will touch the hearts of anyone who has ever lost someone close to them. Trisha Yearwood is known for her songs that touch the heart and has not disappointed with her newest single. I always look forward to what she is going to come out with next.

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