In the current world of uncertainty and divide, the Oak Ridge Boys gave fans an evening of personal clarity and brought us all together on Saturday night, 10/16. After years of regular performances at The Alabama Theater, March 14, 2020 was their last performance in Myrtle Beach and unbeknownst to them, it would also be their last performance anywhere for quite awhile due to the Covid-19 pandemic. When the announcement was made that they would finally return for their usual fall show, tickets went quickly and the energy in the auditorium the night of the show was so special and the atmosphere was so different that it made it almost feel like the first time all over again.
Before the show, normally the backstage area would be bustling with activity - the crew, venue employees, band and the Boys hanging out with friends and fans during their meet and greet, talking, laughing and discussing the latest happenings. This year, thanks to the devil names Covid and the fact that Myrtle Beach was a hot spot, it was anything but interactive - the catering area was quiet, the hallways were dark, and it was more like a quick wave hello in passing to those you happened to see back there. It was a distinct difference from pre-Covid shows, but when the stage lights came on and Darrick took to the stage to do his "Billy Mays" impression to open the show, it was whole different picture. These fans were ready to get back to "normal", ready to sing their lungs out. Then you heard it ... "Ladies and Gentlemen ... the legendary OAK ... RIDGE ... BOYS" and then it got so loud you couldn't hear the voices in your own head. Lawdy mercy. it sure was great to not be able to hear yourself think again like this.
The music started, the lights came up and "Bouncin' Joe" Bonsall, "Big Daddy" Duane, "The Grand Papa of Mow Mow" Richard and "The Original King of Swagger", William Lee, took their places on stage and launched into 2 hours of their biggest hits and new songs that are destined to carve out a place in their musical "hitstory" books. Yes, I used a lot of puns and nicknames there, deal with it. LOL! The night was filled with the familiarity of songs such as "American Made", "Y'all Come Back Saloon", "Dream On" and others. People were singing and swaying and smiling and just enjoying themselves and it was such a good thing to see. The Oaks have a way of bringing comfort at times it's most needed and I can tell you that it is so much appreciated. One really nice thing they did on this particular night was having the drummer, Austin Curcuruto, bring out his young daughter, Gia, during "Thank God for Kids" and it was so cute. She was having the best time with her daddy and is too young to realize how special of a memory this will be for both of them years from now. They wrapped up the show with a rousing singalong of "Elvira" and "Bobbie Sue" and the crowd was just crazy, standing up, dancing and singing along. What a great night!

1 comment:
Great review, Jenn! Having seen several of their shows over the last month, they certainly “ bring it “ every time. The Boys show all of us that there is light at the end of this dark tunnel we’ve all been in for the last year and a half. Everyone has needed their music, energy and, of course, their smiling faces. Thank you, Boys, band and crew for everything you do!
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