Thursday, July 24, 2014


On a personal note, I just want to say thank you to all of you for the support of not only myself with this music endeavor but most of all for the support you show those new artists who are struggling to get their music heard and for passing the word about this great music that might not be heard of without you. YOU are the village that can move this mountain. Most of these guys have low paying jobs or even more than one job just trying to make ends meet and can only follow their passion in their free time, most can't afford high cost promoters and management to do this stuff for them and most have more natural amazing talent than most of what you're hearing on the radio lately. All it takes is one pair of ears to hear what we're saying, to make a difference. Imagine what all of us together can do for these people who write music from their heart and put their hard work/personal experiences out there for us to listen to and enjoy. Not everyone can do what they do and they deserve the chance to be heard and the chance to get just as much exposure as the Luke Bryans, Kenny Chesneys and Florida Georgia Lines do. So that being said, on behalf of the artists I deal with: THANK YOU SO MUCH. It does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.

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